Europe 2020 is the EU’s economic growth strategy for the next seven years. In a rapidly changing world, the EU wants to become a smart, sustainable and favorable economy for inclusion. These three priorities are mutually reinforcing and are able to help the EU and its Member States to achieve a high level of labor employment, productivity and social cohesion.
In practice, the Union has set five major objectives – on employment, innovation, education, social inclusion and environment / energy, to be met by 2020. Thematic objectives set out in the Europe 2020 Strategy are:
- Research, technological development, innovation
- Information and Communication Technologies
- Competitiveness of SMEs, agriculture and fishery
- Low carbon economy
- Climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management
- Resources Environment and Efficiency
- Transport and sustainable infrastructure
- Employment and labor mobility
- Social Inclusion and Poverty Alleviation
- Education, skills and lifelong learning
- Institutional capacity and efficient public administration
The Strategy that conforms to the Common Strategic Framework 2014-2020 is subject to the common provisions of the basic Regulation for cohesion policy, rural development policy and maritime policy and fisheries.
EU Member States have adopted their own national targets in line with the objectives set at European level. Various actions at European and national level come in support of Strategy 2020.
In the next programming period Romania will invest about 39 billion allocated by the European Structural Funds and Investment, of which 21.8 billion Euros are funds cohesion policy and territorial cooperation, and the rest – funds dedicated to agricultural policy and fishing (7.1 billion Euros).
Funding priorities proposed to Romania by the European Commission to improve human capital by increasing employment and work better policies for social inclusion and education, development of a modern infrastructure, promoting economic competitiveness and local development, optimizing resource use and protection and natural assets, namely the modernization and strengthening of the national administration and the judiciary system.
The consultants experience exceeds 110 missions for the past four years, over 75% of them ending successfully, among which 79 projects submitted grant in the amount of Euro 35,007,836, of which 19 were approved (8159. 387 Euros), of which 12 successfully completed and 1 project implementation (5,864,703 Euro), 49 in advanced stages of evaluation (19,423,637 Euro), only 7 projects rejected (5,611,017 Euro) and 4 withdrawn by applicants’ objective reasons (1,813,796 Euro) – 91% success rate.
Vertical Finance Specialized Consultants offer consultancy in obtaining grants also on the programmatic next period, 2014-2020.
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